More and more consumers are not drawn to the white mustache anymore and are turning their backs on fluid milk. Whether that decision is based on lactose intolerance or compassion with the animals (also known as "cultural changes"), clearly, a segment of those who make a living based on the extortion of sentient living beings and their bodily fluids is getting worried.
While the decline of milk sales in 2011 and 2012 was the highest in more than a decade, 2013 was even worse than the previous three years. The trend of switching from milk to other beverages or non-dairy milks isn't new at all, in fact it started almost 40 years ago but the latest numbers speak for themselves. The credit clearly goes to a rapidly growing world wide community of people, activists, bloggers, scientists, doctors, organizations, groups and every day social net workers who dedicate their time and hard work to raise awareness, and to educate the masses about the negative and severe health effect dairies can have on the human body, undermining the dairy industry's decades old brain washing strategies while exposing the ugly and cruel truth behind the "Happy Cow" fairy tale. There is really nothing white about milk. |
WhiteWave Foods Co. - a daughter company of the traditional 90-year-old dairy company Dean Foods Co. - manufacturing plant-based foods and beverages, reported 62% profit increase during the past 12 month.
"Getting drinkers back in the barn won't be easy. "It is going to be tough to buck the trend of declining consumption of [cow] milk in the U.S.," says Ryan Oksenhendler, an analyst with Arlon Group LLC, a New York-based fund manager that owns WhiteWave shares. He says shoppers quitting cow milk and embracing soy, almond and coconut milks are feeding WhiteWave's gains." (1)
for the planet and for human kind.